Questions and Answers
for a curious mind
What is Maine Cup?
Maine Cup is a woman owned, family-run business dedicated to promoting Maine coffee roasters and uplift the coffee culture across the state. Our one of a kind experience is to introduce you to coffee you may not know about and more than likely have never tried. We are not filling your coffee nook, that's for you to do once you empty that bag and crave more! Each month our coffee subscribers receive an 8 ounce bag of freshly roasted coffee from Maine. We have designed a unique customer experience where our subscribers have access to exclusive member-only content and forums. Members get to meet each roaster with exclusive insights such as roaster interviews and see behind the scene content. Our goal is to heighten the coffee drinker’s experience by having a more intimate connection with the roasters and their roasting process. Free perks, coupons, discounts and more are also included!
What do I get with my subscription?
Our coffee subscription service is a monthly delivery of freshly roasted 8 ounces of whole bean coffee. We aim to have the coffee land in your hands around the 1st of each month. We chose 8 ounces as it is intended to give you a taste of an offering by the featured roaster and allows you to experiment with different brewing methods. 8 ounces of whole bean coffee makes between 12 and 16 cups of coffee. Being a Maine Cup subscriber you receive additional discounts from roasters and Maine Cup, surprises, access to roaster interviews, a look into the roasting process, tips on making coffee at home... you name it, we will cover it!
Why do you only send whole bean bags of coffee? Can you grind mine for me?
When coffee is pre-ground it loses many of the flavors and aromas that are present and intended after roasting. In an effort to create the best coffee tasting experience for you, we ask that you consider grinding the beans yourself. Is this more work? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes, we believe it is. Each method of brewing requires different grind sizes and each roast requires dialing in to get the best cup possible. To help support you in your coffee journey we will sell grinders at different price points on our site and we hope you enjoy exploring coffee as much as we do. If you do not see coffee grinders for purchase, please reach out to us so we can recommend a grinder for you and help direct you to where you can purchase it.
What is your cancellation policy?
Coffee Subscriptions are not refundable. Recurring Maine Cup Coffee Subscriptions are not refundable but can be cancelled by contacting us. Store product orders can be returned and refunds are issued upon inspection. Please review our complete Return Policy.​
What if I don't like the coffee I receive?
Our goal is to provide an excellent tasting experience for our subscribers but we do understand that people have different tastes in coffee. We are here for people willing to try new experiences, flavors, and make new discoveries of things they didn't even know they liked! If you receive a coffee you do not like at first sip, we encourage you to explore new and different ways to prepare the coffee (such as grind size, temperature of water, kind of water, brewing method, etc.) and you may be pleasantly surprised at the results. If nothing else, you will have received a better idea of what the different preparation variables produce.
Why did I receive a different coffee than everyone else?
Logistics really. We do our best to make sure that we can provide the coffee of the featured roaster for the month, but if something falls through for unforeseen reasons we have backup roasters that are ready to come in and help us out in a pinch. They are roasters that we have previously featured and that we have their content and backstory ready and good to go for you. It's not an ideal situation but it's better to have a good backup plan rather than a mess of spilled beans.
I didn't get my package when expected. Why?
You're likely in one of three camps here. The first camp is that you signed up for a subscription in the last week of the month and missed our cutoff for the next month's orders. In this case, you have been enrolled in the next months orders and can expect your subscription orders to start the following month.
The second camp is that you placed an order and the order was lost by the carrier. We will check to make sure we didn't make a clerical issue on our side and then direct you to check in with the carrier to figure out the status.
Lastly, if you have a recurring subscription your payment method may have failed to process, therefore we did not receive your order. When a payment has failed, you will receive an email with a grace period to correct your payment method.
Follow these instructions to update your information: Log in to your account, Go to "My Subscriptions", Click On/Expand the applicable subscription. A box will display below the subscription details, Click "Submit Payment" and fill out the applicable form.
My address has changed. How do I update it with you?
Was your order a one-time shipment? If so, send us an email.
Is your order an ongoing subscription which was paid upfront? Email us!
If you have a recurring subscription (your payment method gets charged monthly), you guessed it, email us! You also have a second task of updating your address in your online account - Log in as usual, go to "My Addresses", update your default address. Both of these tasks need to be completed. We are not notified when a user updates their account profile and if your payment has already been processed, or will be processed soon, your shipping address will remain as the original. Reach out to us with any questions.